Whole day visits
Whole day school visits
Maximum group size: 60
Cost: £18 + VAT per person
The whole day visit enables children to have a 1 hour 40 minute tour of our interactive Education Village to learn essential safety skills. They are taken round 9 safety scenarios in small groups, by one of our fantastic volunteer guides.
The children will also take part in a 1 hour 40 minute classroom-based session.
The most popular session delivered is Online Safety, which can be delivered for years 2 – 6.
Year 5 and 6 children have the option of changing the Online Safety Session to either Choices and Consequences: Early Knife Crime Intervention, Drug and Alcohol Safety or Gas and Carbon Monoxide Safety.
For groups 30 or less, the tour is usually in the morning and the classroom-based session is in the afternoon. For larger groups over 30, the children will be split, and half will have the tour in the morning and the other half will have the classroom-based session. After lunch, the children will swap over.
All the sessions are age-appropriate and delivered in an interactive way, the children will complete a range of practical, fun activities that they can take back to school with them.
The whole day visit runs on the following times:
Arrival time: 10:15am
Departure Time: 14:40pm
For further information please contact bookings@safetycentre.co.uk

Book your tour today!
For further information please contact on 01908 263009 or email our team on bookings@safetycentre.co.uk
What people have to say
Great Place For Kids To Learn
Its very good as a child to practice real life situations. Best part was fire alarm where grandpa was upstairs and the portable heater had blown up and we went out and called fire brigade and the ambulance and saw how much damage a small fire can do.
Scary part was the train video where kids was playing I spy on the train tracks .
Fantastic Cubs Trip
An excellent trip for my children’s cubs group. The children all learnt loads about identifying hazards & keeping safe in a very realistic environment. Our guide bob was great, kept the children engaged the whole time. They had to make a real 999 emergency call & speak to a real operator.